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2021.04.20 Tuesday Stretch

Hi everyone, so……Cal here for Tuesday Stretch. After 2 weeks of thinking about how to find some stretch glass that is somehow connected to sewing I am still coming up nearly empty. I suppose there might be a few of the late period pieces which utilized carnival glass patterns but were made as stretch glass, but you have covered all of those patterns at this point. However, if you use your imagination, the stretch glass I’ve selected for tonight might remind you of appliqued quilt designs. This glass was made by US Glass during the early stretch glass period. US Glass had two factories which we believe made stretch glass: King Glass in Pittsburgh and Tiffin Glass in Tiffin, OH. Tiffin was in business in its own right prior to joining US Glass and when US Glass suffered its decline Tiffin once again began to operate under the Tiffin name. At the 2021 in-person Stretch Glass Society Convention and Show in July we are going to take a deep dive into US Glass stretch glass, especially the odd and unusual colors and line #s 151 and 179, but that is for a different Tuesday Stretch.

US Glass made a number of different colors of stretch glass and applied a number of different finishes. Together, we have a wide variety of colors and designs from this one company. They painted some of their stretch glass utilizing stencils to create an unusual affect and then iridized over the painted designs. Let’s take a look at “Pomona” – one of these painted then iridized patterns. Pomona was produced in two color combinations – red and blue and yellow and blue. Here is a large serving plate in the red and blue combination. It shows the design or pattern quite well.

Here are several pieces in the yellow and blue combination. The candlesticks are tough to find. Note the flat bottom bowl fits nicely on a US Glass black base.

Here are the flat top footed vases in each color combination:

A second pattern produced by US Glass utilizing stencil painting is “Cumula.” This is found in light green and white. Keep in mind that all of this glass is crystal glass before it gets painted and iridized. Here we have 2 comports.

And here we have the center handled server, mayonnaise with matching ladle and finally the tall sherbet with matching underplate.

Cumula is a stretch when it comes to equating it to anything that would be found in a sewing room, except maybe some dyed fabric. It is, nevertheless, an attractive pattern when several pieces can be assembled together.

I want to take this opportunity to invite you to The Stretch Glass Society’s Convention in Cambridge, OH on July 15-17, 2021. We are at a new location and with a new schedule. The location is the Southgate hotel and the schedule is Thursday, Friday, Saturday. The full schedule can be found on There will be a fabulous display of US Glass line #s 151 and 179 stretch glass being coordinated by Dave and Renée Shetlar. I will be doing a presentation on unusual colors of US Glass and Tom Monoski will be doing a presentation on “Iridescence as I see it.” Members will have displays in the convention room, as well. And there will be sales of stretch and other glass from our rooms. Friday night will be our banquet with a speaker from the Cambridge Museum and Sunday there will be an auction of stretch glass by Debra and Tom Burns. We invite you to join us. Registration information is also on our website. See you in Cambridge!