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Reproductions – Page Template



Additional Information

The Acanthus mold was originally own by Imperial and was sold to Fenton sometime before Imperial closed in 1984

Original Pattern NameOriginal ManufacturerReproduction ManufacturerReproduced ShapesReproduced Colors
AcanthusImperialImperial (pattern similar to Leaf Tiers)bowl, plateAmethyst, Blue, Green, Marigold
AcanthusImperialFenton (original Acanthus pattern)basket, bowl, plateBlack Amethyst, Blue, Celeste blue


To view Elaine Blair’s most up to date Reproductions At-A-Glance (full article here)

Our definition of a reproduction is a pattern using the same mold (or a mold very similar to the original) that could confuse collectors.

“The following is a compilation of information from a variety of sources…standard references in the carnival glass field, information shared by the members of the Hooked on Carnival daily newsletter, and personal experience.”