Tulip, Millersburg

Manufacturer: Millersburg
Year(s) of Production: [infobar select=”DISTINCT yearofmanufacture” mfg=”Millersburg” pattern=”Tulip”]
Pattern Description: [infobar select=”DISTINCT patterndescription” mfg=”Millersburg” pattern=”Tulip”]
Similar Patterns: [infobar select=”DISTINCT similarpatterns” mfg=”Millersburg” pattern=”Tulip” order=”shape”]
Year(s) of Production: [infobar select=”DISTINCT yearofmanufacture” mfg=”Millersburg” pattern=”Tulip”]
Pattern Description: [infobar select=”DISTINCT patterndescription” mfg=”Millersburg” pattern=”Tulip”]
Similar Patterns: [infobar select=”DISTINCT similarpatterns” mfg=”Millersburg” pattern=”Tulip” order=”shape”]
About Tulip
This has the same basic mold as the Flowering Vine except there is no interior design. Actually there is not any specific exterior pattern, but a simple and smooth flowing 9 panel compote, named for the flower. The compote is about 8″ to 9″ tall and the 6 ruffled top measures about 6″ across. The edge is smooth and the base is 9 sided, plain and flat.
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