This was printed in the Hooked on Carnival daily mail list August 26,2021 and reprinted with permission from Mitchell Stewart.
As we near the end of the month, I have to send in this matching Pair of Ambered Duncan MARDI GRAS Vases. Yes, the vases are Clear Glass that were placed in the mineral springs water for a period of time, thus the Amber color and the light Iridescence. We call them Ambered Glass.
I am sure this is new info to many HOC readers. Here is a brief description of the process…“The process consisted of glassware arranged on shelves under a pipe with small holes where water from the artesian well continually flowed evenly over them. Every two days the glass was washed and polished with soapy water and returned to the shelves. Glassware is ambered on both sides and takes six to eight weeks to complete. Less time the lighter the amber and longer time the darker the amber.”
FYI, I acutally sold one…then later decided that they had been together since 1901, they should stay together…so the other one went to the same person. I am happy to say that they are still together. Who knows, maybe one day they may return to me.