Although made in crystal in a wide range of shapes, iridized pieces of Field Thistle are quite scarce. The design is characterized by a largish flower with stems and thistles swirling up from the base to either side of the flower.
[column-half-1]Water sets
Marigold, 7 pieces, 375 (2002), 200 (2007)
Marigold, 5 pieces, 160 (2013)
Water pitchers
Marigold, 75, 95 (2006), 215 (2010), 80 (2013), 35 (2014)
Water pitcher, midsize
Marigold, 170 (2006), 130 (2007)[/column-half-1]
Marigold, 10 (2012), 15, 20 (2014)
Milk pitcher
Marigold, 195 (2002)[/column-half-2]
Compotes are fairly large and massive–about 7 inches tall.
Marigold, 35 (2009), 45 (2012), 70 (2014)
Table set, 4 piece
Marigold, 130 (2007), 140 (2012)
Creamer and spooner
Marigold, 80 (2006)[/column-half-1]
Celeste, 750 (2013)
Marigold, 20 (1996), 70 (2001)
Marigold, 40 (1996), 45 (2001), 10 (2010)[/column-half-2]
Above is a 9-inch plate in marigold. It has great iridescence and brought $425 at a 1996 auction–quite a bit more than at recent sales.
[column-third-1]Plates, 9-9 1/2 inch
Marigold, 100 (2009), 105 (2011), 45, 95 (2012), 45 (2014)[/column-third-1]
[column-third-2]Plates, 6 inch
Marigold, 75, 115 (both 2008), 65 (2012), 40, 100, 210 (2014)[/column-third-2]
[column-third-3]Chop plates, about 10 Inches
Marigold, 70 (2005), 400 (2006), 35 (2008), 70 (2012), 95 (2014)[/column-third-3]
In November of 2013, Greg Dilian sent me this photo (above left) of his Field Thistle vase in celeste blue. It is 12 inches tall and has a 3 3/4 inch base. Amazing. I’ve never heard of a Field Thistle vase in anything but marigold. On the right are the rare vase whimsies that are found in two base sizes: 2 3/4 inches (and pulled up from the spooner), and 3 3/4 inches.
[column-half-1][/column-half-1][column-half-2]Vase whimsies
Marigold, small base, 225 (1995), 285 (2001)
Marigold, 7 1/4 inches tall, 75 (2015)
Marigold, large base, 550 (1994), 375 (1999)
Marigold, 12 1/2 inches, pale color, 170 (2004)
Marigold, 8-8 1/2 inches, 145 (2005), 85 (2009)[/column-half-2]
The small bowl on the left is in celeste and brought $475 in 1998. The photo on the right is of a small bowl in white that was sent to me by Gregory Ferguson in 2013. The color is previously unknown in the pattern.
[column-half-1]Sauce or small bowl
Celeste, 475 (2005), 1,700, 2,800 (2012)
Marigold, in silverplate holder, 18 (2001)[/column-half-1]
[column-half-2]Bowl, 8-9 inches
Marigold, 5 (2009), 5 (2012)[/column-half-2]
[pdb_list filter=’pattern=Field Thistle’ sort=true orderby=”shape,color,price” order=”asc,asc,asc”]