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ACGA (the American Carnival Glass Club) decided to create a souvenir to commemorate their annual convention. The Beaded Shell mug pattern was modified to include the motto “In God We Trust”. The mugs measure about 3 3/4 to 4″ tall, are 2 1/4″ across the base.

The first was for 1971, made by Imperial Glass Company. 500 pieces were commissioned in Amber, they are marked with the IG. The bottom of the mug was imprinted with “ACGA – Cincinnati – 1971”.  [NOTE: some unsold mugs were destroyed around 1976 by club officers.]

Very pretty ICE BLUE OPAL carnival glass…. 330 pieces were made by Westmoreland (unsigned) for the club ….Bottom of base reads–ACGA–STAUNTON, VA–1978


The second was made for the 1979 convention by Westmoreland Glass Company (they were not signed by Westmoreland), 399 pieces were made in Red. The bottom of the mug reads “ACGA- INDIANAPOLIS, IN – 1979.

The third was for the 1980 convention, again by Westmoreland and unmarked by the manufacturer. 375 pieces were made in Ice Green and the bottom of the mug reads “ACGA – CAMP HILL, PA – 1980”.

And the fourth and last was for 1981, again by Westmoreland and unmarked by the manufacturer. 399 pieces were made in Vaseline, the bottom of the mug reads “ACGA – NEW PHILADELPHIA, OH – 1981”.