Imperial’s Purple Glaze Finish
By Gary Senkar
The Imperial Glass Co. catalog “Supplement to Bargain Book” c.1925 introduced many new items and finishes to the marketplace. Among the introductions was a complete listing of the Lead Lustre finishes and illustrations of the vase shapes. Purple Glaze, a bright iridescent finish (carnival) was also introduced.
Purple Glaze was described as “A very brilliant blue iridescent effect, on dark amethyst glass. The effect is similar to that of the plain blue iridescence on the expensive lead lustre glass.”
The Lead Lustre finish referred to was Decor #10 described as “Dark blue with brilliant blue glaze, inside and outside.”
The items most often found in Purple Glaze finish are larger sized bowls and vases made from moulds in the Imperial Art Glass Line (aka.Imperial Jewels). Specifically mould numbers 55, 56, 57,70, 76, 77 & 78 are most often found. These items have the characteristic ground base of the Imperial Jewels pieces.
They usually are not marked with the Imperial iron cross although a few pieces have surfaced with the mark. The bowls and vases made from these moulds are commonly identified as Imperial Jewels but that is incorrect as they do not have a stretch finish.
Occasionally other items have been found in the Purple Glaze finish including a #33 bowl, #693 vase, 6567B bowl (Wide Panel), and the #300 handled basket (Plain Jane).
Published on HoC May 2024